Why Full Time Moms will restore the Biblical family

Short Version: If Moms who are in a Biblical marriage are encouraged and enabled to be stay-at-home, full time Moms, they will have the capacity to nurture and further their family values, family goals, and family economy. This freedom and flexibility will enable Mom and Dad to CHOOSE when and where they participate in the “system” of our modern society. 

NOTE: Two assumptions are made here about “Moms” spoken of in my posts . #1 is that Mom (and Dad) are Bible Believers. #2 is that Mom and Dad are in a Biblical marriage (which further assumes Dad is providing for the family and treats Mom with the love, protection, provision, and edification described in the Bible). 

While listing assumptions, I’ll also put out there that I would assume Mom, Dad, nor their marriage are anywhere close to perfect in their roles, faith, or otherwise. Loving the LORD, reading His Word, and loving each other is the foundation for a delightful and fulfilling life.


In 2013 I became a Mom and it hit me HARD. I had never considered being a full-time Mom until I had my first child. I actually was a Director for a public company and the job paid very well. Most people believed my education and experience made it impossible for me to leave it behind and be a full-time Mom. 

As the maternity leave time clicked away, I was getting more and more sad and anxious and not at all ready to hand my young baby over to someone else for the raising. 

Upon scouting out daycares, I was physically ill with sadness and had decided I really needed to find someone who would come to our home for daytime nanny care. A family friend agreed and she was AMAZING! Problem solved. Or, not. No matter how wonderful she was, I still wanted to be with my baby. 

We sold what we weren’t using, lowered our budget, paid off debt, and started learning new skills. We were not yet ready to go down to one income. 

A little less than two years later I delivered my second son and determined that I would be home at least part time. 

Another two years later, I delivered my third son and was finally home FULL TIME! At this time I had a 3.5 year old, two year old, and an infant!

Along the journey, I found TWO executives who had left their careers to be full time Moms and both regretted it (according to the articles I read). I was discouraged by this and vowed to share my story and encouragement for other Moms to do the same when the season came and the Lord willed. 

Professionals out there who are Moms – you will make a wonderful full time Mom! Your career will never be as fulfilling as raising your babies full time through their adolescent years. 

To the husbands, parents, grandparents, neighbors, siblings, friends of Professionals who are Moms: Please encourage and edify these ladies in their roles as being full time Moms! It’s HARD to not have the daily kudos and accomplishments of seeing the fruit of your work. Parenting can take decades to see this fruit so the encouragement, support, edification, and love shown BY YOU is essential in fighting the modern culture and restoring the Biblical family through the re-installation of the full time Mom and Wife who loves, cherishes, and supports her husband and children. 



MISSION: To edify the Biblical calling of full time wifery and motherhood within the Body of Christ. 

THE BIG PICTURE: If the Body would encourage and edify families to allow Mom to be home full-time, our culture would return to the beautiful ancient ways with the modern blessings (women are educated, its expected that women are treated with respect and value, plus we have many other advances in modern day society that CAN be blessings but also can be curses…)

WHO WE’RE HOPING TO REACH: Moms, Dads, Grandparents, Ministries, Congregations, Fellowships, and overall, the true Body of Christ

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